Mutual benefits for merchant & consumer | GETBATS

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Click HERE to access to your Profile Settings.

  2. Click "Edit" button to update your info.

  3. Click "Confirm" button to save!

  1. Click HERE to access to your Profile Settings.

  2. Click "Edit" button at the Password section.

  3. Key in your new password & save!

Yes, we would love to keep you updated with our latest deals, vouchers,  promotions and upsized Cashback through our web app notification.

You will also be notified of your Rebates statuses via the web app notification too should you subscribed to our web app notification.

  1. Tap on the menu icon of your Browser (e.g. Google Chrome), go to Settings
  2. Tap on "Notification" >> turn on the notification for

To update your profile name, please follow the follow steps:

  1.  Go to Profile Settings , tap on the "Edit" button.
  2. If your account is unverified, click "I'll do it later"
  3. Then, you may update your full name according to your IC (For account verification, full name is required).
  4. Click "Confirm" once the details have been filled up.

Note: You can only change your name twice and if you wish to change again, additional charges may be imposed.